China-Related Cross-Border Family Matters (Marriage and Succession)
What Are My Inheritance Rights in China?
You can inherit the property of your parents, children and spouse. If anyone lists you as the beneficiary in the will, you also have the inheritance rights stated in the will.
What Is the Law of Inheritance in China?
China used to have Inheritance Law (Law on Succession). However, after the promulgation of the Civil Code in 2020, China has only the “Book VI Succession” in the Civil Code. In other words, the inheritance law became a part of the civil code.
What Is Community Property Law in China?
There is no community property law in China. But you can find the relevant articles in “China’s Civil Code of China: Book V Marriage and Family”.
How to Inherit Properties in China?
How to Inherit Properties in China? First of all, you need to know whether the decedent has a will and whether you have inheritance rights …